Leadership in our debt collections.

By: Dave Y.

Recently my son has taken up archery as a hobby, he signed up for lessons from a local archery range and did not own any of his own equipment.  He started off doing ok, but not quite what he thought he could do.  I was telling my coworkers about my son’s foray into archery and one of them mentioned he had two bows and equipment for sale.  I was immediately interested, as I wanted my son to do better, and felt that having the right tools for the job would benefit his performance.  A few weeks went by, he started doing better and better each week, culminating in a bronze medal finish in the first tournament he ever participated in.  Having both a good teacher and the right tools for the job had made a noticeable difference. 

It got me thinking about what makes APR a special place to work at.  What were the right tools for our jobs, we at APR utilize on a day to day basis.  The answer was obvious, it is the management and leadership team.  They all bring many years of experience, wisdom and provide new and existing employees a firm foundation by teaching and training first and foremost our three core qualities, work ethic, integrity and a positive attitude.

This leadership and these core qualities create amazing teams of people who go out of the way to help each other at APR as well as our clients and our consumers.  By putting in the work, doing the right thing and keeping positive we build trust and friendships with our clients and earn the respect and gratitude of our consumers, helping them get their debts payed.  That is just one example of why this collection agency is different than other collection agencies.

Published On: June 23rd, 2016Categories: Team APR

Need to discuss your debt collection needs with APR?  Call (800) 711-0023 or use the form below to request more information.

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