
A culture of helping makes this one of the best places to work

American Profit Recovery is a great place to build a career. Since 2008 we have been ranked as one of the best places to work in collections. And that comes straight from our team members.

For over a decade, we’ve gone through a time-consuming survey process that methodically ranks the best places to work in the collection industry. And it is well worth the effort. This survey involves ownership and team members and gives a complete snapshot of the employee experience.

One overarching part of that employee experience is the opportunity to help others. Because we know the only way to build a healthy and meaningful culture is to provide an environment where people feel fulfilled about […]

2024-09-30T09:44:48-04:00August 5th, 2024|Categories: Team APR|

Overcoming Challenges as Debt Collectors

By Delaney:

Debt Collectors are faced with many hurdles when trying to contact consumers to pay on past due balances. Many of these hurdles come from pre-conceived notions about what it means to have an account sent to collections, or to be contacted by a collection agency.

At American Profit Recovery, we do our best every day to change the perception of the collection industry in order to educate both consumers and prospective clients on what those things truly mean. […]

2024-09-27T10:00:13-04:00September 27th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections, Team APR|

Celebrating 20 years-how it started and how it’s going

American Profit Recovery is celebrating 20 years in business. However, we are not just celebrating being in business for two decades, we are applauding our vision come true and how we have built a reputable debt collection agency that has achieved what we set out to do in 2004.

We came together because we saw an opportunity to improve just about every area of collections. We were more than confident that we could not only improve how a business achieved results by using a debt collection agency, but we could also make a challenging experience for consumers, much more productive.

We knew there was a way to improve the debt collection industry and make it far more […]

2024-09-26T11:30:10-04:00September 26th, 2024|Categories: Team APR|

Setting your seasonal business up for success-including positive cash flow

If you operate any type of seasonal business, you know there are ups and downs and fluctuations during your fiscal year. It’s important to have a game plan in place to manage the busy times and survive slower periods.

We serve as a collection agency for seasonal businesses among others and we can tell you that cash flow can be a struggle for many that operate at different volumes during the year.

If you are running a seasonal business, check out our tips to prepare for your busy season and maintain a positive cash flow throughout the year. […]

2024-09-18T09:34:44-04:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections|

Don’t leave money on the table-why small invoices add up to positive cash flow

“I have a lot of small invoices in my business that have not been paid. What should I do?”

This is a common question our team gets from small and large businesses regarding lower dollar amount invoices that remain unpaid.

Many businesses think it’s not worth the effort to implement collection activity on small invoices. But what if we told you that focusing on these in your business could add up to significant amounts of money recovered for your business.

Many businesses choose to write off the smaller unpaid invoices because they believe it’s a hassle to collect those amounts. But if you add that up over the course of the year, you’ll probably be shocked at the […]

2024-09-18T09:22:20-04:00September 18th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections|

Our Google Reviews Tell a Story

By Sabrine:

Who would have thought that a collection agency would have such great google reviews?!

Prior to starting at American Profit Recovery back in 2017, I relied on APR’s reviews online to determine whether I would give this company a chance or not. Now, in 2024, the reviews are a tool used across our various departments daily as well as a talking point for potential employees coming in for interviews. […]

2024-09-09T09:08:59-04:00September 9th, 2024|Categories: Team APR|

Top 10 reasons using a debt collection agency is better than going it alone

Why should my business use a collection agency?

That’s a question we hear often.

The fact is there are enormous benefits to outsourcing your debt collections for a small business and even a larger organization.

Having a reputable debt collection agency represent your business is one of the smartest moves you can make. It can improve your cash flow, save you time and money, and protect you from legal challenges.

Check out our top 10 reasons why using a debt collection agency is far better than using internal resources.

Improved cash flow

Hands down, this is the number one reason your business of any size should be partnering with a reputable debt collection agency. The timely collection of those unpaid invoices […]

2024-08-19T09:26:13-04:00August 19th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections|

Debt Collection: The Art and Science of Mental Rehearsal

What is Mental Rehearsal?

When learning about mental rehearsal, it’s important to understand that it is a proven tactic that can help anyone who wants to improve the way they perform. It has been put through the process of the scientific method with consistently reproducible results.

Mental Rehearsal Definition

Mental rehearsal is the act of using your internal voice and practicing a task inside your mind without the need to physically act it out. Research by Dr. Srini Pillay has found that imaginary practice stimulates the same regions in our brains when visualizing an action that are stimulated when actually performing that action. Many top performers, including professional athletes, report naturally practicing mental rehearsal without first being […]

2024-08-08T13:59:13-04:00August 8th, 2024|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Team APR|

My Employee Week Experience

By Michael:

American Profit Recovery’s Annual Employee Week was awesome this year. We shared good food, played many in-office games, and had some great times at after-work events, including a picnic. We also received some of the coolest prizes.

I wanted to share three things that I absolutely love about employee week. […]

2024-07-19T07:57:01-04:00July 17th, 2024|Categories: Team APR|
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