
A culture of helping makes this one of the best places to work

American Profit Recovery is a great place to build a career. Since 2008 we have been ranked as one of the best places to work in collections. And that comes straight from our team members.

For over a decade, we’ve gone through a time-consuming survey process that methodically ranks the best places to work in the collection industry. And it is well worth the effort. This survey involves ownership and team members and gives a complete snapshot of the employee experience.

One overarching part of that employee experience is the opportunity to help others. Because we know the only way to build a healthy and meaningful culture is to provide an environment where people feel fulfilled about […]

2024-09-30T09:44:48-04:00August 5th, 2024|Categories: Team APR|

All Debt Solutions Joins American Profit Recovery

Farmington Hills, MI; January 2025 – American Profit Recovery, a collection agency based in Michigan and Massachusetts, has announced that effective February 1, 2025, All Debt Solutions, a Massachusetts-based collection agency, will merge with APR.

All Debt Solutions and American Profit Recovery, combining decades of industry expertise have simultaneously offered diplomatic debt collection solutions to a wide range of industries. Those industries include medical, financial, education as well as specialties in small business.

Owner of All Debt Solutions John Tammaro and the founders of American Profit Recovery will bring together their decades long personal and professional relationships to continue to serve the business community with diplomatic and effective debt collections […]

2025-01-31T10:48:07-05:00January 31st, 2025|Categories: Collection Industry News, Team APR|

What Does It Take to Be a Debt Collector? A Look at a Professional’s Training and Tools

There are many great career opportunities in the debt collection industry. And one of them is being a professional debt collector.

Professionally trained debt collectors serve several purposes. They of course assist a business with improving cash flow by bringing late and non-paying customers to the table. And they help consumers navigate challenging financial situations.

Training is the most important part of being a professional debt collector. There are many parts of being in collections that require consistent knowledge and training as well as mastering creatin skills.

Want to know more about the ongoing training and skill-building that professional debt collectors go through? […]

How Active Listening Can Turn Difficult Debt Collection Calls Into Collaborative Solutions

Active listening is something our professional debt collectors practice and implement daily here. In fact, we would go as far as to say that it is one of the foundations of how we operate.

In all aspects of life and business, listening is one of the most critical skills we can master. And as a collection agency working with small businesses and large organizations, it is a must for us to carry out our mission.

What is active listening?

Active listening is concentrating on, seeking to understand, and responding to an individual thoughtfully. And it goes beyond just hearing somebody speaking and includes emotions, engagement and trying to understand the context of a discussion. This is why it […]

Taking the Emotion Out of Late Payments- Strategies to Protect Your Business and Peace of Mind

Late and non-paying customers can be emotionally draining for your small business. Whether you’re operating a lawn care company, veterinarian practice, heating and air conditioning business, or any other small operation, having customers who don’t pay on time is just part of being in business.

While large organizations have their share of the same challenge, your small business can feel the pain of customers not paying far deeper. And if you’re a small business operating in a smaller community and you get to know many of your customers, this challenge is even more difficult.

Many small businesses come to us for help with their receivables and we can feel the emotions brewing inside them. They’re frustrated, baffled […]

2024-12-11T12:48:57-05:00December 16th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections|

Turn Your Outstanding Invoices Into Cash: The Power of Early Intervention

We see it all too often. Businesses have a pile of outstanding invoices. They are not getting paid, and the business waits far too long to get serious about getting those customers to keep up with their payments.

Maybe they don’t have the systems in place to get late customers to pay or they may not want to upset their customers by implementing collection activity. But waiting too long to bring your customers to the table is a recipe for negative cash flow. Which can have long-lasting consequences.

Implementing early intervention is a far better strategy that is helping small businesses get paid.

Implementing systematic follow-ups and debt collection activity early in a delinquency is vital to the […]

2024-12-11T12:43:02-05:00December 11th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections|

Can a collection agency help me keep my customers?

Utilizing a reputable collection agency for your all business or larger organization is one of the best ways to dramatically improve cash flow.

And, it’s also a strategic tool in retaining your customers even if they do owe you money.

Professionally trained debt collectors understand how to listen, show empathy, understand individual situations and take the time to solve problems with consumers. If your customers are facing financial difficulty, a debt collector can actually help your customer navigate the complexities of being in debt.

Want to know more about how a collection agency can actually help your business keep customers? Check out some of the reasons below. […]

2024-11-20T08:53:48-05:00November 25th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections|

Red flags of negative cash flow and when to get help

If you’re running any type of business, negative cash flow does not just happen. There are always red flags of negative cash flow that give you an indication of a problem within your organization.

Negative cash flow can rapidly disrupt a small business’s operations. Many businesses struggle to keep a consistent client base and have slim margins, which means it’s important to keep a close eye on cash flow.

Check out our tips on recognizing the red flags of negative cash flow and when to seek professional resources to correct the situation. […]

2024-11-20T08:42:52-05:00November 20th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections|

Overcoming Challenges as Debt Collectors

By Delaney:

Debt Collectors are faced with many hurdles when trying to contact consumers to pay on past due balances. Many of these hurdles come from pre-conceived notions about what it means to have an account sent to collections, or to be contacted by a collection agency.

At American Profit Recovery, we do our best every day to change the perception of the collection industry in order to educate both consumers and prospective clients on what those things truly mean. […]

2024-09-27T10:00:13-04:00September 27th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections, Team APR|

Celebrating 20 years-how it started and how it’s going

American Profit Recovery is celebrating 20 years in business. However, we are not just celebrating being in business for two decades, we are applauding our vision come true and how we have built a reputable debt collection agency that has achieved what we set out to do in 2004.

We came together because we saw an opportunity to improve just about every area of collections. We were more than confident that we could not only improve how a business achieved results by using a debt collection agency, but we could also make a challenging experience for consumers, much more productive.

We knew there was a way to improve the debt collection industry and make it far more […]

2024-09-26T11:30:10-04:00September 26th, 2024|Categories: Team APR|

Setting your seasonal business up for success-including positive cash flow

If you operate any type of seasonal business, you know there are ups and downs and fluctuations during your fiscal year. It’s important to have a game plan in place to manage the busy times and survive slower periods.

We serve as a collection agency for seasonal businesses among others and we can tell you that cash flow can be a struggle for many that operate at different volumes during the year.

If you are running a seasonal business, check out our tips to prepare for your busy season and maintain a positive cash flow throughout the year. […]

2024-09-18T09:34:44-04:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Accounts Receivables, Small Business Collections|
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