Team APR

My Employee Week Experience

By Michael:

American Profit Recovery’s Annual Employee Week was awesome this year. We shared good food, played many in-office games, and had some great times at after-work events, including a picnic. We also received some of the coolest prizes.

I wanted to share three things that I absolutely love about employee week. […]

2024-07-19T07:57:01-04:00July 17th, 2024|Categories: Team APR|

A financial setback can happen to any consumer

By Alexis:

Let be honest, when we hear “collection agency” we automatically have negative connotations. There is an unspoken stigma surrounding collection agencies and people that have accounts in collections, but what people don’t realize is there are a lot of people that have accounts in collections.

Having an account in collections should not be a source of shame. […]

2024-06-11T09:31:26-04:00June 11th, 2024|Categories: Advice for Consumers, Team APR|

Bonding with coworkers during employee week

By Greg:

We’re a little less than two weeks away from our Annual Employee Week and I am so looking forward to it.   This is a week we all look forward to.  It is a chance for the ownership team to show their thanks for all our hard work, and for us all to spend some fun time together in and out of the office.

We will be kicking off the week with a picnic on Monday night, an evening of bowling on Tuesday, and a trip to an Escape Room on Wednesday.  Throughout the week, we will be enjoying great food, fun games, and a lot of laughs.

Employee Week is another reason why I love […]

2024-06-06T10:06:23-04:00June 6th, 2024|Categories: Team APR|

6 reasons to build a career in debt collections

Building a career in the debt collection profession can offer so many rewards and benefits for people who are looking for a stable career with growth opportunities. By forging a career in debt collections, you have an opportunity to work in an industry that is not only financially rewarding but gives you tremendous opportunity to help people daily.

The debt collection industry has made dramatic changes in recent years. And all those advancements in the industry have been positive developments. Some may have a negative perception of the industry as a whole, but collectively, there has been an intense effort to improve the experience both of business and consumers have with debt collections.

If you’re ready to […]

2024-03-09T10:15:08-05:00March 9th, 2024|Categories: Team APR, What APR is up to|

Values and culture make this a great place to build a career

By Delaney:

For the employees at American Profit Recovery, it’s culture above all else! Here, we value positive attitudes, high integrity, and strong work ethics.

From the company as a whole, to the department you work in, right down to the individual team that you are on, you can feel our values pulsing through the veins of APR.

It starts with our hiring process. We recruit only the best, strongest candidates who exemplify these core qualities to make a perfect fit for our team. […]

2023-12-19T11:26:52-05:00December 19th, 2023|Categories: Team APR|

Why work for American Profit Recovery?

By Rema:

I had a friend ask me once why I decided to work in collections because my field of study was completely different. I said, my very first interview with, who is now my manager, career growth, the team, and flexibility of schedule. All of it.

Walking into a field with little to no knowledge about collections, I learned as time went on the importance of a collector and the impact he or she can make in a consumer’s life. My second interview came around and I was convinced to take that step forward and learn more about the agency and what it has to offer me. […]

2023-11-09T10:35:46-05:00November 9th, 2023|Categories: Team APR|

Relating to people is how we get the job done

By Angela:

The past few weeks I have had the pleasure of meeting with many people as I add to my collection team. During this process I have had many conversations, and it was refreshing to remind myself just how much of a difference we are making in the economy.

Of course, I could sit here and talk about this to try and gain sales or to try and have you pay your bill but it’s the opposite.

I’m here because I want to be. Nine years in and I still love the impact I can make on our industry and our clients with their consumers being the top priority. In these interviews I have learned about candidates’ […]

2023-10-06T07:35:01-04:00October 6th, 2023|Categories: Small Business Collections, Team APR|

Compliance continues to be mission critical here at American Profit Recovery

One aspect of debt collections that is mission critical and an area here at American Profit Recovery that we place a lot of resources behind is compliance. Staying compliant with all the rules and regulations that govern debt collections is just another area of our culture that carries immense importance.

Recently our own Bruce Beegle achieved the designation of credit and compliance officer through ACA International.

After many educational sessions conducted by ACA international and of course rigorous testing, Bruce received this accreditation which will only further our ability to enhance our compliance strategies in debt collections. It’s an important milestone. […]

2023-08-17T08:32:48-04:00August 17th, 2023|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Small Business Collections, Team APR|

An award-winning employee experience here at American Profit Recovery

There are many areas that we have placed immense focus on over the years here at America Profit Recovery that have allowed us to build a rock-solid foundation. Building and growing a reputable collection agency means a high value must be placed on our people and our culture.

Let’s face it; not every day is easy working in debt collections because of the nature of the business and the delicate reasons why we may be calling a consumer. Collectively, we’re always working to make that employee experience a positive one and consistently improve.

Recently we’ve been reminded that we are doing the right thing here at American Profit Recovery by creating a culture and a positive […]

2023-08-09T09:16:57-04:00August 9th, 2023|Categories: Advice for Businesses, Team APR|

American Profit Recovery helps us be our best selves

By Delaney:

Work-life balance has never been easier than with the flexible scheduling options we offer our employees at American Profit Recovery. Personal Time Off should be used for exactly that – personal time! No one wants to have to waste their PTO on obligations like doctor’s appointments.

But here, we don’t have to.

We have several different options, like shifting our work hours from earlier to later in the day with what we call a “Late-In”, or taking a two-hour lunch during the day and simply just adding an extra hour on to the end of our day to make up for it – all without using any PTO! These possibilities are so incredibly helpful for accomplishing […]

2023-07-31T08:23:44-04:00July 31st, 2023|Categories: Team APR|
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