There are a few things in society that people unanimously get behind, but I think a three day weekend is one of those things.  Labor Day may have its roots as some union demand, but for many of us it marks the unofficial end of summer and for some reason, the unofficial end of wearing white. Now, I’m not sure where the whole no wearing white thing comes from, so if someone has an answer please educate me and comment below.

Being from New England I have a solid appreciation for the changing of the seasons. When someone tells me summer is ending, I take that remark very seriously and act accordingly.  Despite the rainy weather this weekend I made sure to pull out the golf clubs, spend some time at the old reservoir with my fishing rod and wore all white while I still could. I was loving Labor Day weekend.

Of course we have a few more weeks of summer to enjoy so it’s not over yet, but the days are dwindling. Thankfully with every yin there is a yang and the unofficial end of summer lines up perfectly with the official start of football season!

Published On: September 6th, 2013Categories: Team APR

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