I was given the opportunity to attend a one-day seminar on leadership presented by Skill Path Seminars. Going in, I wasn’t sure what to really expect. Were they going to ask me questions about myself, the company I work for, what is a normal day like in the office? After the introduction given by two speakers, I realized the principle behind this was to educate employees in leadership positions, as well as employees aspiring to leadership. The focus wasn’t solely on the people attending, but also the ones back at the office. In other words, everyone contributes in one way or another, and not to overlook them.

The presentations were held in two rooms simultaneously allowing you to attend what interested you the most throughout the day. I chose the topics I which were less familiar with the hope of gaining knowledge about development and teambuilding. The speakers put groups together for activities allowing you to feel like you were involved rather than just sitting for an hour at a time listening and taking notes. Each session went by quicker than I expected, and with the amount of information given out I felt like it was at least three days-worth of material we covered.

We were told, “Don’t always plan on talking without listening.” This applies in or outside your work environment since so much of the information given could apply to both work and home. The situations we come across in everyday life are so similar to those in our careers. The ways we invest our time in our personal lives mirror the way we manage our time at work. Both have an effect on the people in our lives, and it is our focus and positive attitude that make us successful. In the end, it was a great learning experience, and I feel my co-workers and I walked away with some knowledge we may have never gained elsewhere.


Published On: December 23rd, 2014Categories: Team APR

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